我们研究了与给定的无向图$ g $相对应的图形模型的最大似然估计的问题。我们表明,最大似然估计(MLE)是几个帐篷函数的指数的乘积,每个最大集团的$ g $。虽然图形模型中的一组对数符号密度是无限维度的,但我们的结果表明,可以通过求解有限维凸优化问题来找到MLE。我们提供实施和一些示例。此外,我们证明MLE存在并且具有概率为1,只要样品数量大于$ g $ chordal时最大的$ g $集团的大小。我们证明,当图$ g $是集团的不交联时,MLE是一致的。最后,我们讨论了$ g $的图形模型中的对数 - 串联密度在$ g $中具有对数符号分解的条件。
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Generic Object Tracking (GOT) is the problem of tracking target objects, specified by bounding boxes in the first frame of a video. While the task has received much attention in the last decades, researchers have almost exclusively focused on the single object setting. Multi-object GOT benefits from a wider applicability, rendering it more attractive in real-world applications. We attribute the lack of research interest into this problem to the absence of suitable benchmarks. In this work, we introduce a new large-scale GOT benchmark, LaGOT, containing multiple annotated target objects per sequence. Our benchmark allows researchers to tackle key remaining challenges in GOT, aiming to increase robustness and reduce computation through joint tracking of multiple objects simultaneously. Furthermore, we propose a Transformer-based GOT tracker TaMOS capable of joint processing of multiple objects through shared computation. TaMOs achieves a 4x faster run-time in case of 10 concurrent objects compared to tracking each object independently and outperforms existing single object trackers on our new benchmark. Finally, TaMOs achieves highly competitive results on single-object GOT datasets, setting a new state-of-the-art on TrackingNet with a success rate AUC of 84.4%. Our benchmark, code, and trained models will be made publicly available.
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Recent advances in deep learning research, such as transformers, have bolstered the ability for automated agents to generate creative texts similar to those that a human would write. By default, transformer decoders can only generate new text with respect to previously generated text. The output distribution of candidate tokens at any position is conditioned on previously selected tokens using a self-attention mechanism to emulate the property of autoregression. This is inherently limiting for tasks such as controllable story generation where it may be necessary to condition on future plot events when writing a story. In this work, we propose Future Sight, a method for finetuning a pretrained generative transformer on the task of future conditioning. Transformer decoders are typically pretrained on the task of completing a context, one token at a time, by means of self-attention. Future Sight additionally enables a decoder to attend to an encoded future plot event. This motivates the decoder to expand on the context in a way that logically concludes with the provided future. During inference, the future plot event can be written by a human author to steer the narrative being generated in a certain direction. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach on a story generation task with human evaluators.
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Current large language models can perform reasonably well on complex tasks that require step-by-step reasoning with few-shot learning. Are these models applying reasoning skills they have learnt during pre-training and reason outside of their training context, or are they simply memorizing their training corpus at finer granularity and have learnt to better understand their context? To tease apart these possibilities, we introduce ALERT, a benchmark and suite of analyses for assessing language models' reasoning ability comparing pre-trained and finetuned models on complex tasks that require reasoning skills to solve. ALERT provides a test bed to asses any language model on fine-grained reasoning skills, which spans over 20 datasets and covers 10 different reasoning skills. We leverage ALERT to further investigate the role of finetuning. With extensive empirical analysis we find that language models learn more reasoning skills such as textual entailment, abductive reasoning, and analogical reasoning during finetuning stage compared to pretraining state. We also find that when language models are finetuned they tend to overfit to the prompt template, which hurts the robustness of models causing generalization problems.
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Large language models show improved downstream task performance when prompted to generate step-by-step reasoning to justify their final answers. These reasoning steps greatly improve model interpretability and verification, but objectively studying their correctness (independent of the final answer) is difficult without reliable methods for automatic evaluation. We simply do not know how often the stated reasoning steps actually support the final end task predictions. In this work, we present ROSCOE, a suite of interpretable, unsupervised automatic scores that improve and extend previous text generation evaluation metrics. To evaluate ROSCOE against baseline metrics, we design a typology of reasoning errors and collect synthetic and human evaluation scores on commonly used reasoning datasets. In contrast with existing metrics, ROSCOE can measure semantic consistency, logicality, informativeness, fluency, and factuality - among other traits - by leveraging properties of step-by-step rationales. We empirically verify the strength of our metrics on five human annotated and six programmatically perturbed diagnostics datasets - covering a diverse set of tasks that require reasoning skills and show that ROSCOE can consistently outperform baseline metrics.
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Nowadays, copy detection patterns (CDP) appear as a very promising anti-counterfeiting technology for physical object protection. However, the advent of deep learning as a powerful attacking tool has shown that the general authentication schemes are unable to compete and fail against such attacks. In this paper, we propose a new mathematical model of printing-imaging channel for the authentication of CDP together with a new detection scheme based on it. The results show that even deep learning created copy fakes unknown at the training stage can be reliably authenticated based on the proposed approach and using only digital references of CDP during authentication.
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Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are gaining popularity as a method for solving differential equations. While being more feasible in some contexts than the classical numerical techniques, PINNs still lack credibility. A remedy for that can be found in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) which is just beginning to emerge in the context of PINNs. Assessing how well the trained PINN complies with imposed differential equation is the key to tackling uncertainty, yet there is lack of comprehensive methodology for this task. We propose a framework for UQ in Bayesian PINNs (B-PINNs) that incorporates the discrepancy between the B-PINN solution and the unknown true solution. We exploit recent results on error bounds for PINNs on linear dynamical systems and demonstrate the predictive uncertainty on a class of linear ODEs.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have been increasingly used to make decision-making processes faster, more accurate, and more efficient. However, such systems are also at constant risk of being attacked. While the majority of attacks targeting AI-based applications aim to manipulate classifiers or training data and alter the output of an AI model, recently proposed Sponge Attacks against AI models aim to impede the classifier's execution by consuming substantial resources. In this work, we propose \textit{Dual Denial of Decision (DDoD) attacks against collaborative Human-AI teams}. We discuss how such attacks aim to deplete \textit{both computational and human} resources, and significantly impair decision-making capabilities. We describe DDoD on human and computational resources and present potential risk scenarios in a series of exemplary domains.
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Understanding deep learning model behavior is critical to accepting machine learning-based decision support systems in the medical community. Previous research has shown that jointly using clinical notes with electronic health record (EHR) data improved predictive performance for patient monitoring in the intensive care unit (ICU). In this work, we explore the underlying reasons for these improvements. While relying on a basic attention-based model to allow for interpretability, we first confirm that performance significantly improves over state-of-the-art EHR data models when combining EHR data and clinical notes. We then provide an analysis showing improvements arise almost exclusively from a subset of notes containing broader context on patient state rather than clinician notes. We believe such findings highlight deep learning models for EHR data to be more limited by partially-descriptive data than by modeling choice, motivating a more data-centric approach in the field.
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The sheer volume of online user-generated content has rendered content moderation technologies essential in order to protect digital platform audiences from content that may cause anxiety, worry, or concern. Despite the efforts towards developing automated solutions to tackle this problem, creating accurate models remains challenging due to the lack of adequate task-specific training data. The fact that manually annotating such data is a highly demanding procedure that could severely affect the annotators' emotional well-being is directly related to the latter limitation. In this paper, we propose the CM-Refinery framework that leverages large-scale multimedia datasets to automatically extend initial training datasets with hard examples that can refine content moderation models, while significantly reducing the involvement of human annotators. We apply our method on two model adaptation strategies designed with respect to the different challenges observed while collecting data, i.e. lack of (i) task-specific negative data or (ii) both positive and negative data. Additionally, we introduce a diversity criterion applied to the data collection process that further enhances the generalization performance of the refined models. The proposed method is evaluated on the Not Safe for Work (NSFW) and disturbing content detection tasks on benchmark datasets achieving 1.32% and 1.94% accuracy improvements compared to the state of the art, respectively. Finally, it significantly reduces human involvement, as 92.54% of data are automatically annotated in case of disturbing content while no human intervention is required for the NSFW task.
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